Kinderama Online Membership

🔴 Active Classes
🔴 Designed for Younger Kids
🔴 Safe & Ad-Free
🔴 Mindfulness & Yoga
🔴 Great Teaching Resource
🔴 Rainy Day Activity
🔴 On-Demand


Kinderama offers a year-round journey of active, imaginative classes tailored specifically for pre-schools, crèches, and early years primary school classes. With Ireland’s unpredictable weather, Kinderama is the perfect solution for keeping young children engaged, even during wet breaks and indoor movement breaks.

Say goodbye to the challenges of keeping little ones active indoors. Kinderama’s interactive and engaging online classes are designed to spark creativity and joy in children under 6, making them ideal teaching resources for educators and a fantastic tool for parents at home seeking positive screen time alternatives. Each class is thoughtfully crafted to match the brief attention spans of young children, with 10-20 minute segments that are perfect for maintaining focus and enthusiasm.

Kinderama encourages young learners to explore, develop new skills, and unleash their imaginations through a wide variety of activities. Our programme ensures that every day in the classroom is filled with excitement and discovery, even when outdoor play isn’t possible, and provides parents with a guilt-free option for screen time that is both fun and educational.

Join Kinderama Online Membership today and bring a year-round adventure of boundless fun and learning to your pre-school, crèche, or early years classroom, and your home!

Kinderama Online Membership

Kinderama offers a year-round journey of active, imaginative classes tailored specifically for pre-schools, crèches, and early years primary school classes. With Ireland’s unpredictable weather, Kinderama is the perfect solution for keeping young children engaged, even during wet breaks and indoor movement breaks.

Say goodbye to the challenges of keeping little ones active indoors. Kinderama’s interactive and engaging online classes are designed to spark creativity and joy in children under 6, making them ideal teaching resources for educators and a fantastic tool for parents at home seeking positive screen time alternatives. Each class is thoughtfully crafted to match the brief attention spans of young children, with 10-20 minute segments that are perfect for maintaining focus and enthusiasm.

Kinderama encourages young learners to explore, develop new skills, and unleash their imaginations through a wide variety of activities. Our programme ensures that every day in the classroom is filled with excitement and discovery, even when outdoor play isn’t possible, and provides parents with a guilt-free option for screen time that is both fun and educational.

Join Kinderama Online Membership today and bring a year-round adventure of boundless fun and learning to your pre-school, crèche, or early years classroom, and your home!

🔴 Active Classes 🔴
🔴 Designed for Young Kids 🔴
🔴 Safe & Ad-Free 🔴
🔴 Mindfulness & Yoga 🔴
🔴 Great Teaching Resource 🔴
🔴 Rainy Day Activity 🔴
🔴 On-Demand 🔴


Créche Class

Kids Camp Tails

Kinderama is a unique multi-activity series of classes, developed for the younger child’s abilities and attention span, delivered to creches and pre-schools.

Every week has a different theme and because we know kids love to try new things we have a huge variety of activities including dance, drama, music, sports & gymnastics all wrapped up in magical stories & adventures.

We offer classes directly to Pre-schools, Schools and Créches.

Créche Class

Kids Camp Tails

Kinderama is a unique multi-activity series of classes, developed for the younger child’s abilities and attention span, delivered to creches and pre-schools.

Every week has a different theme and because we know kids love to try new things we have a huge variety of activities including dance, drama, music, sports & gymnastics all wrapped up in magical stories & adventures.

We offer classes directly to Pre-schools, Schools and Créches.

Benefits of our Multi-Activity Online Membership

Our original mission remains to this day – to get kids moving in a variety of fun & imaginative ways! Now Kinderama classes and videos are a great addition to hundreds of pre-schools and homes.  Variety is key – they get to try so many things all within our classes… sport, music, drama, yoga, mindfulness, dance and so much more.


Circus or Space, Mermaids, Dragons or Pirates to spark their imagination!


Full of mindfulness, yoga & meditation to calm everyone down.


Plenty of favourites plus new ones to try.


Your favourite authors reading their stories aloud.


Sports, Basketball, Gymnastics & Dance to get kids up & moving!


Loads of videos full of crafty ideas for younger kids.

Benefits of our Multi-Activity Online Membership

Our original mission remains to this day – to get kids moving in a variety of fun & imaginative ways! Now Kinderama classes and videos are a great addition to hundreds of pre-schools and homes.  Variety is key – they get to try so many things all within our classes… sport, music, drama, yoga, mindfulness, dance and so much more.


Circus or Space, Mermaids, Dragons or Pirates to spark their imagination!


Full of mindfulness, yoga & meditation to calm everyone down.


Plenty of favourites plus new ones to try.


Your favourite authors reading their stories aloud.


Sports, Basketball, Gymnastics & Dance to get kids up & moving!


Loads of videos full of crafty ideas for younger kids.

Our Favourite for Rainy Days

Online Interactive Activities for Young Kids for €2 per week

Access to all of the content on, including Energetic Classes, Make & Create, Make Believe Adventures, Ten Minutes Peace, Action Songs & More!

Our Favourite for Rainy Days

Online Interactive Activities for Young Kids for €2 per week

Access to all of the content on, including Energetic Classes, Make & Create, Make Believe Adventures, Ten Minutes Peace, Action Songs & More!

Featured In

Featured In

Meet Stef, the creative force behind Kinderama!

Trained at the prestigious Italia Conti School of Performing Arts in London, Stef’s journey has taken her across the globe, gracing stages with her captivating performances. But what truly fueled her passion was a desire to redefine the way young children experience extracurricular activities.

As a mother of two, Stef recognised the challenges parents face in finding engaging and comprehensive programs for their kids. Frustrated by the rigid structures of traditional classes and the financial strain of investing in multiple activities, Stef embarked on a mission to create a dynamic and diverse experience for young children to shine.

And so, Kinderama was born – a multi-activity programme for young minds. Stef’s vision for Kinderama goes beyond the conventional, offering a holistic approach to childhood development. Kinderama is a haven of exploration, where children can dive into a world of imagination, movement, and creativity. From sports to dance, music to mindfulness, every activity is carefully crafted to be engaging, enriching, and, most importantly, heaps of fun!

Meet Stef, the creative force behind Kinderama!

Trained at the prestigious Italia Conti School of Performing Arts in London, Stef’s journey has taken her across the globe, gracing stages with her captivating performances. But what truly fueled her passion was a desire to redefine the way young children experience extracurricular activities.

As a mother of two, Stef recognised the challenges parents face in finding engaging and comprehensive programs for their kids. Frustrated by the rigid structures of traditional classes and the financial strain of investing in multiple activities, Stef embarked on a mission to create a dynamic and diverse experience for young children to shine.

And so, Kinderama was born – a multi-activity programme for young minds. Stef’s vision for Kinderama goes beyond the conventional, offering a holistic approach to childhood development. Kinderama is a haven of exploration, where children can dive into a world of imagination, movement, and creativity. From sports to dance, music to mindfulness, every activity is carefully crafted to be engaging, enriching, and, most importantly, heaps of fun!

Thank you for keeping us sane!

Your videos helped us so much during the Covid restrictions.  When our 3 year old was having a meltdown your videos helped to distract and refocus him.  His imagine play has improved immensely.  Thank you for keeping us sane!

Ger Ahern – Parent

Kinderama is wonderful

Stef is amazing! She is warm, engaging and her content on Kinderama is wonderful.  Kinderama and Mum Tribe worked together on our lockdown Halloween party and we had so many happy parents contact us afterwards to say their kids loved it.  We did too!


Kinderama is a good way to get them active!

Stef is very engaging on Kinderama online.  The girls loved her Make Believe Adventures and it gave them ideas to go off and play themselves afterwards.

Kinderama is a good way to get them active on a rainy day or just to have 10 minutes peace.

It also incorporates stretching, yoga & mindfulness which we could all use during this time!


My three girls adore Kinderama!

My three girls adore Kinderama.  For me it encompasses imaginative play, crazy fun &  mindfulness without the kids even realizing!

I am strict on screen time but never with Kinderama.

Sabrina, Mum of 3

Blown away by all the content!

I was blown away by all the content available.  Fantastic videos available for the younger age group.  My two (7 & 5) absolutely loved watching and taking part in the activities.  Super fun & gave me a few minutes to have a hot cup of tea!


Love having Kinderama as an option….

Love having Kinderama as an option for my two small children.  It’s interactive, entertaining and they have great fun joining in with all the songs and games.  It’s a great way to give us all a break without the usual screen guilt.

Triona Gunning

Kinderama has given me space 😀

I have two really active boys!  Regular screen time keeps them quiet but Kinderama is in short bursts which keeps them engaged and active.  They have fun with the lady with the red hair on the big TV!!!!

They like to pick a video to play and we get to choose high energy ones or chill ones on a given day.  The bubble breath one is a favourite as is the one with Kinderama Stef on the wing of a plane!

As a Mom who was struggling during lockdown, Kinderama has given me space to have my morning cuppa uninterrupted!


Highly recommend a Kinderama subscription!

Kinderama has been brilliant for my 6 & 3 year old.  My husband walked in to see the younger one driving a rocket through space and we were both amazed at how into it she got. Some non-guilt screen time when you need to breathe.  Highly recommend a Kinderama subscription.
